
[Note] The end of capitalism by D. Harvey

Capitalism will never fall on its own. it will have to be pushed. The accumulation of capital will never cease. it will have to be stopped. The capitalist class will never willingly surrender its power. it will have to be dispossessed.

Source: Harvey, D. (2010). The enigma of capital and the crisis of capitalism. London: Oxford University Press., p. 260


[Note] Those " Creative Cities" created by unproductive rentiers by D. Harvey

What is now so striking is the increasing power of the unproductive and parasitic rentiers, not simply the owners of land and all the resources that reside therein, but the owners of assets, the all-powerful bondholders, the owners of independent money power (which has become a paramount means of production in its own right), and the owners of patents and property rights that are simply claims on social labour freed of any obligation to mobilise that social labour for productive uses. The parasitic forms of capital are now in the ascendant. We see their representatives gliding through the streets in limousines and populating all the upmarket restaurants and penthouses in all the major global cities of the world – New York, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, São Paulo, Sydney ...



根據1987年5月6日發行的Variety的報導,美國勞動部統計顯示,在主張「就業優先」(right-to-work)*的州裡,從事影視產業工作者的平均工資,比在不主張「就業優先」的州的同業,少了83%。而工資外補貼(fringe benefits)也有類似狀況,「就業優先」的州,工資外補貼僅占工資的3%,而南加州則有32%的水準(Will Tusher, "HIgh labor costs hold key to runway filming," Daily Variety, 5 june 1990, 3, 17)。
